
The meaning attributed to the word “Design” in the United Arab Emirates lies between object design and interior architecture. Design is intended to feature an architecture by creating an aesthetic living environment, in accordance with the art of living that one wishes to display.

Promoting the recognition of French design is a subject supported by the UAE French Institute, as evidenced by the regular exhibitions enhancing the heritage, the emergence of French design and even the research design in 2016, 2018 and 2020. In its economic dimension, Business France accompanied in November 2019 several French brands exhibited at the Dubai Design Week. The UAE French Institute promotes the greatest French institutions in the field of design and has engaged in a long-term relationship with the Cité du Design de Saint Etienne, which enjoys an international reputation in the field.


In addition, the UAE French Institute has opened an online platform that provides a showcase for the promotion of exhibitions/participations, conferences of the UAE French Institute at various local events and allows an entry point for amateurs and professionals (designers, producers, retailers, students) of the sector associated with Business France.


For more information on French design in the Emirates, visit the link: