
DELF Junior - A1 candidats individuels

Le DELF A1 scolaire met en avant les connaissances de base en langue française des adolescents entre 12 et 18 ans. Le DELF A1 pour les écoles, intègre les connaissances de base. C'est le niveau le plus élémentaire d'utilisation d'une langue, appelé l'étape de "découverte".

DELF A1 individual candidates

DELF A1 for schools highlights the first knowledges in French language of teenagers between 12 and 18 years old. DELF A1 for schools recognizes basic knowledge. It is the most basic level at which a language is used, called the "discovery" stage.

DELF Junior - A2 candidats individuels

DELF junior A2 version is intended for teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in middle and high-school and recognizes the linguistic competency of a basic user

DELF Junior - B1 candidats individuels

Level Delf B1, intended for teenagers between 12 and 18 years old in middle and high-school, allow the student to becomes independent, understand, maintain a discussion and give his opinion. He is capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life.

DELF Junior - B2 candidats individuels

Delf B2 is the highest level of the DELF junior version. At this level, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his own mistakes. B2 is the highest level of the DELF junior version.